
On the occasion of his 95th birthday the following three documentaries were made, which are also a good way to “get to know” Kurt W. Rothschild as a scientist and personal:

  1. His ingenious and humorous interview with Renate Graber in the Austrian newspaper “Standard” from 23.10.2009.
  2. A four part Ö1 radio broadcast “Wirtschaftsdenker: Kurt W. Rothschild” (economic theorist Kurt W. Rothschild) about “Macht und Gerechtigkeit in der Ökonomie” (power and justice in economics) by Rosa Lyon (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Part 4).
  3. An outstanding documentary (45 minutes) by filmmaker Gerald Teufel under production management by Christoph Gretzmacher.
  4. Two hints for our English speaking visitors: